Book Iqra Qaida In English (PDF, ePub, Mobi) epub, iqra qaida in english read online, iqra qaida in english free download. Ebook download for mobile, ebooks download novels, ebooks library, book spot.
Pravoslavnie ikoni visokogo razresheniya. Asslamu Alaikum brothers and sisters! Inshallah, all of your classes are going great so far, I know mine are fantastic. It’s the third week of classes; let’s recap on what we’ve done as the MSA so far! Our first GBM was with Yusuf Estes.
We learned of the similarities between the 10 commandments in Christianity and Islamic laws. It was quite interesting. Last week, was the MSA BBQ, which was incredible, I had my first smore! It was here that we had an opportunity to catch up with old friends and get to know some new faces. In addition to that, last Sunday was our first Project Downtown of the year and we made over 130 lunches for the homeless, mashAllah. So in three weeks a lot has gone down and there is a lot more coming. Are you ready?
As men we must continue to stren gthen o ur faith, ourselves and our love for our women. We must strengthen our knowledge in Islam so we understand the platform women are on.
Paradise, which is the goal for us a ll, lies at the feet of the mother. In the famous hadith (teachings of the prophet, peace be upon him), the p rophet, peace be upon him, was asked about who is most deserving of their companionship, and three times he replied “your mother.” The fourth time he replied “your father.” The mother is the key. Respecting our women is key to us getting better as a community, society and world. We must learn about the great women in Islam.
Mariam, Asiyah, Khadija h and Fa timah. Le arn abou t the way the prophet loved and took care of his wives. The way he showed a special emphasis in making sure his companions understood how to treat and respect the women in their lives. How Muslim men are to be of the best of character, and we must protect our women. To protect our women we have to know what it takes to be a man. A man is not someone who can boss someone around and control them because they are physically superior.
A man is someone who protects, provides, loves, nurtures and cares for the ones un der their protection. We are shepherds to our sheep. This is a fact. We have to be physically, mentally and emotionally strong for our women.
Women are tougher than men. That’s a fact. There is no p ain, like the pain of childbirth. And I for one, am g lad I’m a man. To see my wife in constant pain, but continuing to say “Alhamdulillah”I couldn’t do it. I’m not that strong.
Let us make a com mitment that it starts with us. We will be stronger for our women. Our sisters need us. We need to be stronger in our. Deen (way of life), and stronger in our Islamic presence.
Every time a sister steps outside, everyone knows their Muslim. What about me? I think about this constantly. I need to work on not only my physical appearance, but also the way I carry myself. It needs to be a constant form of worship, and a constant presentation of Islam in a positive light. To all my sisters who wear a hijab (head covering), I thank you.
You are do ing more work for Islam, than anything I could ever do. You’re walking the walk, and talking the talk.
Ultraman the ultimate fighting pc download. You are a constant reminder of Islam, and God willing I can get to that point. To my sisters that don’t wear a hijab, please continue to be good examples of muslim sisters. A sister who wears a hijab is not better, or more of a muslim, than a sister who doesn’t. We’ve met sisters from all over, some covered and som e didn’t.
And their iman (faith) was not tilted either way. They were set firm in the Deen (way o f life) and promoted Islam well.
As a muslim man, there is no way I can say I know what sisters go through when it comes to the topic of covering or not covering. Whatever your decision is, please just always be a muslim.
If there’s a sister holding up 7 eleven, but she’s wearing a hijab, am I g oing to be proud? Probably not. If there is a scholar at a conference breaking down the importance of Interfaith communication, but she does not have a hijab on, am I going to discount everything she said? I’m a servant of God. Who are they?
A servant of God. Do they answer to me? They, along with me, answer to God. So I can keep my two cents, and save it for a Coke. I pray God has mercy on all of us, and makes it easy on us. I say all that, to get to my final point. We need to get married.
As a society we look down on. Marriage, and we promote the single life.
It’s all a facade. Ain’t nothing fun about cooking a grilled cheese sandwich on your iron, in a hotel room, alone. You can have that. No thank you. We need to promote and encourage ourselves, our families, our friends and our community members, to get married. We don’t need to wait for someone who is from our city, and is a doctor, who graduated from Harvard, with a 720 credit score and dimples. The reality is, they’re not there.
Book Iqra Qaida In English (PDF, ePub, Mobi) epub, iqra qaida in english read online, iqra qaida in english free download. Ebook download for mobile, ebooks download novels, ebooks library, book spot.
Pravoslavnie ikoni visokogo razresheniya. Asslamu Alaikum brothers and sisters! Inshallah, all of your classes are going great so far, I know mine are fantastic. It’s the third week of classes; let’s recap on what we’ve done as the MSA so far! Our first GBM was with Yusuf Estes.
We learned of the similarities between the 10 commandments in Christianity and Islamic laws. It was quite interesting. Last week, was the MSA BBQ, which was incredible, I had my first smore! It was here that we had an opportunity to catch up with old friends and get to know some new faces. In addition to that, last Sunday was our first Project Downtown of the year and we made over 130 lunches for the homeless, mashAllah. So in three weeks a lot has gone down and there is a lot more coming. Are you ready?
As men we must continue to stren gthen o ur faith, ourselves and our love for our women. We must strengthen our knowledge in Islam so we understand the platform women are on.
Paradise, which is the goal for us a ll, lies at the feet of the mother. In the famous hadith (teachings of the prophet, peace be upon him), the p rophet, peace be upon him, was asked about who is most deserving of their companionship, and three times he replied “your mother.” The fourth time he replied “your father.” The mother is the key. Respecting our women is key to us getting better as a community, society and world. We must learn about the great women in Islam.
Mariam, Asiyah, Khadija h and Fa timah. Le arn abou t the way the prophet loved and took care of his wives. The way he showed a special emphasis in making sure his companions understood how to treat and respect the women in their lives. How Muslim men are to be of the best of character, and we must protect our women. To protect our women we have to know what it takes to be a man. A man is not someone who can boss someone around and control them because they are physically superior.
A man is someone who protects, provides, loves, nurtures and cares for the ones un der their protection. We are shepherds to our sheep. This is a fact. We have to be physically, mentally and emotionally strong for our women.
Women are tougher than men. That’s a fact. There is no p ain, like the pain of childbirth. And I for one, am g lad I’m a man. To see my wife in constant pain, but continuing to say “Alhamdulillah”I couldn’t do it. I’m not that strong.
Let us make a com mitment that it starts with us. We will be stronger for our women. Our sisters need us. We need to be stronger in our. Deen (way of life), and stronger in our Islamic presence.
Every time a sister steps outside, everyone knows their Muslim. What about me? I think about this constantly. I need to work on not only my physical appearance, but also the way I carry myself. It needs to be a constant form of worship, and a constant presentation of Islam in a positive light. To all my sisters who wear a hijab (head covering), I thank you.
You are do ing more work for Islam, than anything I could ever do. You’re walking the walk, and talking the talk.
Ultraman the ultimate fighting pc download. You are a constant reminder of Islam, and God willing I can get to that point. To my sisters that don’t wear a hijab, please continue to be good examples of muslim sisters. A sister who wears a hijab is not better, or more of a muslim, than a sister who doesn’t. We’ve met sisters from all over, some covered and som e didn’t.
And their iman (faith) was not tilted either way. They were set firm in the Deen (way o f life) and promoted Islam well.
As a muslim man, there is no way I can say I know what sisters go through when it comes to the topic of covering or not covering. Whatever your decision is, please just always be a muslim.
If there’s a sister holding up 7 eleven, but she’s wearing a hijab, am I g oing to be proud? Probably not. If there is a scholar at a conference breaking down the importance of Interfaith communication, but she does not have a hijab on, am I going to discount everything she said? I’m a servant of God. Who are they?
A servant of God. Do they answer to me? They, along with me, answer to God. So I can keep my two cents, and save it for a Coke. I pray God has mercy on all of us, and makes it easy on us. I say all that, to get to my final point. We need to get married.
As a society we look down on. Marriage, and we promote the single life.
It’s all a facade. Ain’t nothing fun about cooking a grilled cheese sandwich on your iron, in a hotel room, alone. You can have that. No thank you. We need to promote and encourage ourselves, our families, our friends and our community members, to get married. We don’t need to wait for someone who is from our city, and is a doctor, who graduated from Harvard, with a 720 credit score and dimples. The reality is, they’re not there.