The pictures Nico puts up of the Monaco gang appear to be the interior of a Gulfstream G450 or G550. We ascertained last week that he doesn't own it but uses netjets. Netjets are a charter company but you can also buy in to an aircraft and get partial use, a bit like a timeshare I guess. Lewis does work for Bombardier as a Brand ambassador - as does Lauda. Lewis has a Challenger 605, Lauda a global 7000.
If you look up Lewis's plane it is registered to TAG Aviation in the UK. I expect they own the plane, via a loan. Lewis pays to lease the aircraft, maintain it and for flight crew to fly it. Very few people privately own high end bizjets, they are all leased, purely because of the cost and that the companies who run the plants will offer a complete service - Lewis doesn't want to be on the phone trying to get maintenance don't on the plane instead of doing his job for example. If the plane has an issue they'll simply send another one to get him where he needs to go. As a rough guide you're probably looking at $20k an hour running costs for this sort of thing. The Bombardier aircraft are pretty nice but the class leader is the Gulfstream G650.
Jan 31, 2008 - That's why most of the top tier drivers own private jets, and race teams. NASCAR has come to rely on private jet travel so much that many. There are a number of NASCAR drivers who have their own private jets to haul them around the country. Kyle Larson isn’t one of them. Last week, fresh of NASCAR’s West Coast swing, Larson.
I think the waiting list is about 3 years currently and won't leave you much change from $65m, depending on spec. Gulfstream are following this up with G500 and G600 models that look impressive too, they aren't released yet though.
If you look in to the details you'll find that even commercial aircraft are leased - the big airlines don't own them.
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The pictures Nico puts up of the Monaco gang appear to be the interior of a Gulfstream G450 or G550. We ascertained last week that he doesn't own it but uses netjets. Netjets are a charter company but you can also buy in to an aircraft and get partial use, a bit like a timeshare I guess. Lewis does work for Bombardier as a Brand ambassador - as does Lauda. Lewis has a Challenger 605, Lauda a global 7000.
If you look up Lewis's plane it is registered to TAG Aviation in the UK. I expect they own the plane, via a loan. Lewis pays to lease the aircraft, maintain it and for flight crew to fly it. Very few people privately own high end bizjets, they are all leased, purely because of the cost and that the companies who run the plants will offer a complete service - Lewis doesn't want to be on the phone trying to get maintenance don't on the plane instead of doing his job for example. If the plane has an issue they'll simply send another one to get him where he needs to go. As a rough guide you're probably looking at $20k an hour running costs for this sort of thing. The Bombardier aircraft are pretty nice but the class leader is the Gulfstream G650.
Jan 31, 2008 - That's why most of the top tier drivers own private jets, and race teams. NASCAR has come to rely on private jet travel so much that many. There are a number of NASCAR drivers who have their own private jets to haul them around the country. Kyle Larson isn’t one of them. Last week, fresh of NASCAR’s West Coast swing, Larson.
I think the waiting list is about 3 years currently and won't leave you much change from $65m, depending on spec. Gulfstream are following this up with G500 and G600 models that look impressive too, they aren't released yet though.
If you look in to the details you'll find that even commercial aircraft are leased - the big airlines don't own them.
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• You can only upload a photo or a video. • Video should be smaller than 600mb/5 minutes • Photo should be smaller than 5mb • You can only upload a photo.